Stevenage Constituency Labour Party Working all year round for Stevenage
Want to help campaign?
Stevenage Labour Party has many members and many non-members voluntarily support us when and how they can. We canvass the whole year round in order to listen to the views of residents.
Whether you are already a member or ESPECIALLY if just want to help elect a Labour council and government, then contact us today using the form below and take part in building a better, fairer Stevenage.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never volunteered before, or are one of our stalwart activists, every hour you can offer, every leaflet delivered, every pair of hands counts in Stevenage. Local elections and returning Labour councillors matters very much in the current environment where the rights and freedoms of ordinary working people are very much under attack. Join us , help us and stand up for the many.
Finally, If you have no time to give but still want to help, you can always support us and donate here.
Campaign with Labour in Stevenage.
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