The constituency covers Stevenage, Aston, Datchworth, Knebworth and Codicote.

Every year the local Constituency Labour Party elects ‘Executive Officers’ to carry out the organisational and campaigning priorities of the party, as well as a number of functional officers. Together with the branch secretaries, they form the Executive Committee which makes all day-to-day operational and administrative decisions, and carries out the decisions of the assembled members of the constituency Labour Party – the All-member Meeting.

At least half of the voting officers of the EC, an the functional officers must be women.

These officers should work together to create an annual development plan for the constituency which encourages recruitment, campaigning, fund-raising, policy development and election work and that ensures the party is a dynamic and campaigning force in the community.

Members can find officer role descriptions at this link

Stevenage CLP Officers (June 2024-2025 )

Chair Tom Plater
Vice Chair (Campaign and Membership) Coleen Houlihan
Ellie Plater
Secretary Alistair Gordon
Treasurer Jeannette Thomas
Policy Officer Thea Pendlebury
Women’s Officer Jackie Hollywell
BAME Officer Ellin Joseph
Disability Officer David Martin
LGBT+ Officer Dermot Kehoe
Youth Officer Vacant
Communications, Social Media and Press Officer Ryan Fisher
Political Education and Training Officer Swatantra Trpathi
TULO Officer Anne Wells
IT Officer Jamie Pendlebury


Branch Labour Parties

The Constituency Labour Party is divided into branchesBranches discuss political issues; plan local campaigning activities;  nominate officers for the CLP; select local council candidates and participate in the nomination and reselection of labour MP’s.

Local branches bring the Labour Party to your community in Stevenage. Branch members are involved in residents’ associations, youth clubs, sports clubs, trade unions and other bodies. Much of the time at branch meetings is taken up with discussing local problems and national politics. The branch keeps the CLP representatives informed about local issues and the views of the members about national issues.

Each branch:-

  • is involved in distributing literature on behalf of the Party and sometimes publishes its own newsletter
  • can collect donations to  the Party
  • invites Labour Councillors, trade unionists and other public representatives to their meetings to keep in touch with their work. Branches usually meet once a month.

At election times, the branch plays a vital role. It uses all its resources to work for the election of Labour Representatives. During campaigns, and sometimes between them, members contribute by e.g. canvassing, leafleting, maintaining canvassing and other records and issuing statements and leaflets in support of the Party and its candidates.

The CLP currently consists of 4 branches each of which has a chairperson, secretary, vice chair and treasurer.

Branch Officers

Stevenage North West Branch

(Covering Woodfield, Old Town, Almond Hill and Symonds Green)

Secretary Teresa Callaghan
Chair Graham Spencer
Treasurer Jim Callaghan

Stevenage North East Branch

(Covering St Nicholas, Manor, Chells and Martins Wood)


Secretary Sandra Barr
Chair Ric Eutenuer
Treasurer Jeannette Thomas

Stevenage South Branch

(Covering Shephall, Bandley Hill, Bedwell, Roebuck and Longmeadow)

Stevenage South Secretary Jade Woods
Stevenage South Chair Alistair Gordon
Steveage South Treasurer Allen Brown
Conor McGrath
Bedwell/Pin Green Chair Anne Wells
Bedwell/Pin Green Treasurer John Lloyd

Stevenage CLP Villages

(Covering Aston, Datchworth, Knebworth and Codicote

Main contact Julia Florence


The area covered by the regional office coincides with the Government’s eastern planning and development region . The Eastern Region website is at

Your Labour Team – Labour East



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