Stevenage Constituency Labour Party

Stevenage Constituency  includes Knebworth, Codicote, Datchworth and the parish of Aston.

Stevenage CLP is active and growing the longer that Conservative austerity and neglect cause damage to the lives of ordinary people.  We welcome new members and encourage all to look closely at labour policy and go a step further and join the Labour party today  to help shape it in the interests of the many.

Every year the Stevenage Constituency Labour Party elects from its membership, ‘officers’ to carry out the organisational and campaigning priorities of the party. There are eight key posts that must be filled – chair, deputy chair, secretary, treasurer, vice-chair (membership) and vice-chair (policy), women’s officer and youth officer – and at least four of these must be women. The women’s officer must be a woman.

All of these office holders are automatically members of the Executive and Campaign Committee (ECC) of the constituency and form a core team that helps the party work effectively. These officers should work together to create an annual development plan for the constituency which encourages recruitment, campaigning, fund-raising, policy development and election work and that ensures the party is a dynamic and campaigning force in the community. The executive is jointly responsible for encouraging central constituency activity such as the production of newsletters, new members’ meetings, local policy forums, fund-raising events, education training events, doorstep voter ID, street stalls, school gates campaigning and working with supporters and community groups.  The officers also play a key role in liaising with the party branches and their officers.

More detailed information is available in the associated pages under “About”



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